Lotus Notes XPages Tips (5) JavaScriptのサンプルソース


Lotus Notes and Domino Application Development wiki?の Robert Perron?さんの記事が参考になります。


・データベース  –> NotesDatabase sample JavaScript code for XPages? 2010/11/29
・文書      –> NotesXSPDocument sample JavaScript code for XPages?2010/09/21
・ビュー     –> NotesXSPViewEntry sample JavaScript code for XPages?2010/08/23
・セッション   –> NotesSession sample JavaScript code for XPages?2010/10/15
・ディレクトリ  –> NotesDirectory and NotesDirectoryNavigator sample LotusScript code?2010/08/03


その他、Robert Perronさんの記事で「XPagesの活用」(日本語)がお勧めです。


NotesDatabase sample JavaScript code for XPages
Table of Contents
0.1 ACL
0.2 ACLActivityLog
0.3 Agents
0.4 AllDocuments
0.5 Categories
0.6 Created
0.7 CurrentAccessLevel
0.8 DesignTemplateName
0.9 FileFormat
0.10 FileName
0.11 FilePath
0.12 FolderReferencesEnabled
0.13 Forms
0.14 FTIndexFrequency
0.15 HttpURL
0.16 IsAllowOpenSoftDeleted
0.17 IsClusterReplication
0.18 IsConfigurationDirectory
0.19 IsCurrentAccessPublicReader
0.20 IsCurrentAccessPublicReader
0.21 IsDB2
0.22 IsDelayUpdates
0.23 IsDesignLockingEnabled
0.24 IsDirectoryCatalog
0.25 IsDocumentLockingEnabled
0.26 IsFTIndexed
0.27 IsMultiDbIndexing
0.28 IsInService
0.29 IsLink
0.30 IsMultiDbSearch
0.31 IsOpen
0.32 IsPendingDelete
0.33 IsPrivateAddressBook
0.34 IsPublicAddressBook
0.35 LastFixup
0.36 LastFTIndexed
0.37 LastModified
0.38 LimitRevisions
0.39 LimitUpdatedBy
0.40 ListInDbCatalog
0.41 Managers
0.42 Managers
0.43 NotesURL
0.44 Parent
0.45 PercentUsed
0.46 ReplicaID
0.47 ReplicationInfo
0.48 Server
0.49 Size
0.50 SizeQuota and SizeWarning
0.51 TemplateName
0.52 Title
0.53 Type
0.54 UndeleteExpireTime
0.56 compact
0.57 compactWithOptions
0.58 createCopy
0.59 createDocument
0.60 createDocumentCollection
0.61 createFromTemplate
0.62 createFTIndex
0.63 createNoteCollection
0.64 createOutline
0.65 createReplica
0.66 createView
0.67 enableFolder
0.68 fixup
0.69 FTSearch
0.70 FTSearchRange
0.71 getAgent
0.72 getAllReadDocuments
0.73 getAllUnreadDocuments
0.74 getDocumentByID
0.75 getDocumentByUNID
0.76 getForm
0.77 getModifiedDocuments
0.78 getOption
0.79 getOption
0.80 getProfileDocCollection
0.81 getProfileDocument
0.82 getURL
0.83 getView
0.84 grantAccess
0.85 markForDelete
0.86 open
0.87 openByReplicaID
0.88 openIfModified
0.89 openIfModified
0.90 queryAccess
0.91 queryAccessPrivileges
0.92 queryAccessRoles
0.93 remove
0.94 removeFTIndex
0.95 replicate
0.96 revokeAccess
0.97 search
0.98 getOption and setOption
0.99 setOption
0.100 setOption

NotesXSPDocument sample JavaScript code for XPages
Table of Contents
0.1 NotesXspDocument
0.2 getAttachmentList
0.3 getDocument
0.4 getForm
0.5 getItemValue
0.6 getItemValueArray
0.7 getItemValueDate
0.8 getItemValueDateTime
0.9 getItemValueDouble
0.10 getItemValueInteger
0.11 getItemValueString
0.12 getNoteID
0.13 getParentDatabase
0.14 getParentId
0.15 getValue
0.16 hasItem
0.17 isEditable
0.18 isNewNote
0.19 isResponse
0.20 removeAllAttachments
0.21 removeAttachment
0.22 removeItem
0.23 replaceItemValue
0.24 save
0.25 setValue

NotesXSPViewEntry sample JavaScript code for XPages
Table of Contents
0.1 NotesXspViewEntry
0.2 getChildCount getColumnIndentLevel getDescendantCount getIndentLevel getPosition getSiblingCount
0.3 getColumnValue
0.4 getColumnValues
0.5 getDocument
0.6 getFTSearchScore
0.7 getJavaColumnValues
0.8 getNavigatorPosition
0.9 getNoteID
0.10 getOpenPageURL
0.11 getRead
0.12 getUniversalID
0.13 isCategory isDocument isTotal
0.14 isConflict
0.15 isExpanded setExpanded
0.16 isPreferJavaDates setPreferJavaDates
0.17 isSelected setSelected
0.18 isValid
0.19 toggleExpanded
0.20 toString

NotesSession sample JavaScript code for XPages
Table of Contents
0.1 AddressBooks
0.2 CommonUserName
0.3 EffectiveUserName
0.4 HttpURL
0.5 IsConvertMIME
0.6 IsOnServer
0.7 IsTrackMillisecInJavaDates
0.8 NotesVersion
0.9 OrgDirectoryPath
0.10 Platform
0.11 ServerName
0.12 UserGroupNameList
0.13 UserName
0.14 UserNameList
0.15 UserNameObject
0.16 evaluate
0.17 freeTimeSearch
0.18 getCurrentDatabase
0.19 getDatabase
0.20 getDbDirectory
0.21 getEnvironmentString
0.22 getEnvironmentValue
0.23 getURLDatabase
0.24 getUserPolicySettings
0.25 hashPassword
0.26 resolve
0.27 setEnvironmentVar
0.28 verifyPassword

NotesDirectory and NotesDirectoryNavigator sample LotusScript code
Table of Contents
0.1 NotesDirectory, NotesDirectoryNavigator, LookupNames, CurrentMatch
0.2 LookupAllNames, CurrentMatches, FindNthMatch
0.3 FindFirstMatch, FindNextMatch, GetFirstItemValue, GetNextItemValue
0.4 FindFirstName, FindNextName, NameLocated
0.5 FindNthName
0.6 CurrentItem, GetNthItemValue
0.7 MatchLocated, CurrentView, CurrentName
0.8 GetMailInfo
0.9 AvailableItems
0.10 AvailableNames
0.11 AvailableView
0.12 GroupAuthorizationOnly
0.13 LimitMatches
0.14 PartialMatches
0.15 SearchAllDirectories
0.16 Server
0.17 TrustedOnly
0.18 UseContextServer
0.19 FreeLookupBuffer
0.20 CreateNavigator


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